
Learn more about AI2's Lasting Impact Award
Viewing 291-292 of 292 papers
  • Parsing Algebraic Word Problems into Equations

    Rik Koncel-Kedziorski, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Ashish Sabharwal, Oren Etzioni, and Siena Dumas AngTACL2015 This paper formalizes the problem of solving multi-sentence algebraic word problems as that of generating and scoring equation trees. We use integer linear programming to generate equation trees and score their likelihood by learning local and global…
  • Learning to Solve Arithmetic Word Problems with Verb Categorization

    Mohammad Javad Hosseini, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Oren Etzioni, and Nate KushmanEMNLP2014 This paper presents a novel approach to learning to solve simple arithmetic word problems. Our system, ARIS, analyzes each of the sentences in the problem statement to identify the relevant variables and their values. ARIS then maps this information into an…